Wisdom: Traditions, Pagans, and God (with Michael Rood & Nehemia) – Shabbat Night Live – 11/04/16

Wisdom: Traditions, Pagans, and God (with Michael Rood & Nehemia) – Shabbat Night Live – 11/04/16

“We have to be careful to temper our zeal with wisdom because, if we don’t, our zeal’s going to lead us out of one ditch and into another.” Bill Cloud discusses the misconceptions related to keeping the feasts. How do our expectations interfere with our spiritual intuition and journey? And how do we balance the Torah’s commandments with the way of the world?

And later, it all comes together in part 8–THE FINAL INSTALLMENT–of The Karaite Files. Michael Rood and Nehemia Gordon wrap up the series by discussing most important lesson of all — battling negativity! Unnecessary infighting and arguing about the Bible distracts from the individual tasks that YeHoVaH has called us to do. Michael and Nehemia explain how to escape it… and accomplish your mission!

*Restoring the Hebrew Roots of the Christian faith!*

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