Dinosaurs, Fossils, Young Earth, & The Ice Age – Shabbat Night Live – 11/17/17

Dinosaurs, Fossils, Young Earth, & The Ice Age – Shabbat Night Live – 11/17/17

For thousands of years people believed in a young earth. It wasn’t until the 17th to 18th century that scientists took God out of creation and considered earth to be millions of years old. Michael Rood and his guest, Scientist Bruce Malone explain how Young Earth, the Ice Age, fossilized dinosaurs fit into the timeline of your Bible.

This episode will also raise other questions, such as how can it be that dinosaurs and certain animals are fossilized yet the deer that died yesterday won’t be fossilized? Why is it we can’t find evidence of recently fossilized animals? And, what about the continuous discovers of dinosaurs with decay flesh still intact? Bruce Malone has an easy answer!